Follow the below steps to run AndroidPocketSphinxDemo project provided by Sphinx community:
1. Download the latest version of sphinxbase from the following link:
Extract the downloaded tar file and save it under a folder called 'sphinx' .
2. Download the latest version of pocketsphinx from the link:
Extract the downloaded tar file and save it under a folder named 'sphinx' .
3. After extracting sphinxbase and pocketsphinx, you will have to install both
in your system through the following commands,
4. Make sure that you have installed Android NDK, if not installed, refer1. Download the latest version of sphinxbase from the following link:
Extract the downloaded tar file and save it under a folder called 'sphinx' .
2. Download the latest version of pocketsphinx from the link:
Extract the downloaded tar file and save it under a folder named 'sphinx' .
3. After extracting sphinxbase and pocketsphinx, you will have to install both
in your system through the following commands,
- cd <sphinxbase path or pocketsphinx path>
- ./configure
- make
- make install
the link:
5. Download AndroidPocketSphinxDemo project from the link:
6. Copy the following files from <pocketsphinx path>/swig/edu/cmu/pocketsphinx
to PocketSphinxDemo/jni/edu.cmu.pocketsphinx. The required files are:
7. Specify the path of 'sphinx' folder containing pocketsphinx and sphinxbase in
'' file. Then do Ndk build.
8. In the emulator/device in which you are going to install the project, create the
folder called 'edu.cmu.pocketsphinx' under the path '/sdcard/Android/data/' .
9. Under the folder 'edu.cmu.pocketsphinx', create two folders called 'hmm' and
'lm'. Under both 'hmm' and 'lm' create folder called 'en_US'.
10. Inside '/sdcard/Android/data/edu.cmu.pocketsphinx/hmm/en_US', copy the
folder 'hub4wsj_sc_8k' present under
<pocketsphinx path>/model/hmm/en_US
11. Inside '/sdcard/Android/data/edu.cmu.pocketsphinx/lm/en_US', copy the files
'hub4.5000.dic' and 'hub4.5000.DMP' present under
<pocketsphinx path>/model/lm/en_US
12. Now the project is ready to run on the emualtor/device.